Strange & Useless Facts
4,000 people are injured by tea pots every year.
A 60-minute cassette contains 565 feet of tape.
A coat hanger is forty-four inches long if straightened.
A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.
A good typist can strike twenty keys in a second.
A person uses more household energy shaving with a hand razor at a sink (because of the water power, the water pump and so on) than he would by using an electric razor.
A quarter has 119 grooves on its edge, a dime has one less groove.
A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans
A typical double mattress contains as many as two million house dust mites.
A wedding ring is generally exempt by law from inclusion among the assets in a bankruptcy estate. That means that a wedding ring can't be seized by creditors, no matter how much the bankrupt person owes.
According to a market research survey done some time ago, 68% of consumers receiving junk mail actually open the envelopes.
According to one study, 24% of lawns have some sort of lawn ornament.
All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill.
All hospitals in Singapore use Pampers diapers.
Aluminum is strong enough to support 90,000 pounds per square inch.
An average of 200 million credit cards are used every day in the United States.
Approximately 30 billion cakes of Ivory Soap had been manufactured by 1990.
As of 1983, an average of three billion Christmas cards were sent annually in the United States.
At the height of inflation in Germany in the early 1920s, one U.S. dollar was equal to 4 quintillion German marks.
Avery Laser Labels are named after company founder R. Stanton Avery.
Colgate faced a big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries. Colgate translates into the command 'go hang yourself.'
Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history. Spades - King David; Clubs - Alexander the Great; Hearts - Charlemagne; and Diamonds - Julius Caesar.
Each of the suits on a deck of cards represents the four major pillars of the economy in the middle ages: heart represented the Church, spades represented the military, clubs represented agriculture, and diamonds represented the merchant class.
Each of us generate 5 pounds of rubbish a day; most of it is paper.
Every year, over 8,800 people injure themselves with a toothpick.