22 Mistakes in Movie "Transformers"

Continuity: In the scene when Scorponok first attacks the soldiers, he kills a soldier wearing glasses and a boonie hat, but the same soldier reappears running down the hill as Scorponok jumps out of the sand.

Continuity: During the scene in which the four autobots crash-land, one of them lands in a field after bouncing off a ridge. In the next shot, Sam and Mikaela walk over and watch the autobot start to transform.
However, this can't be possible. All four autobots flew over Sam and Mikaela as they were standing in front of the building with Bumblebee, so they would have to walk through the field that the autobot landed in in order to see it. Also the distance that the autobot travelled once it hit the floor must have been a good few hundred metres, which would take several minutes to walk through, by which time the autobot would have been long gone. For example, the one that landed in the DVD store transformed and was gone within a couple of minutes, before the kids with the camcorder got there.

Continuity: when Maggie steals the info and puts it on an sd card, she waves down a cab, the next shot is a different cab dropping her off.

Visible crew/equipment: When Sam is talking to Mikaela's boyfriend, you can see the camera and crew reflected in the Hummers mirrors.

Revealing: When Blackout is destroying the base in Qatar, a few Humvees get flipped over, and none of them have engines in them.

Visible crew/equipment: During the scene when Sam, is telling the story of his grandfather and at the same time trying to sell his grandfather's items, you can see the boom mic just above his head.

Continuity: In the scene in the interrogation room with the two programmers there is a big plate of doughnuts which the hacker eats very quickly. But take a look at the plate between shots when he's talking and you'll see that the amount of doughnut left on the plate varies greatly: Sometimes there's one whole doughnut left, other times, in the same conversation, there's only crumbs.

Continuity: In the scene where Mikaela is telling Sam about her juvie record, he puts his sweater on. When it jumps to the next shot his sweater is on his shoulder. It stays on his shoulder for the next couple of shots, and then it goes back on and stays on.

Factual error: In the beginning of the scene where the Decepticon is on Air force One they show a 747 but when they land and they show the Decepticon sneaking off the plane the Air Force One shown is a 707. Although you don't see the whole plane, the engines are that of a 707, long and slender versus big and round like a 747.

Continuity: When Bumblebee is captured by Sector Seven, the camera goes back to Optimus Prime talking to Mikaela and Sam. If you look at her hair, it is loose and flowing. In the next shots when Sector Seven capture them, Mikaelas hair is tied up at the back, she had no time to tie it up.

Plot hole: When one of the robots pull Sam's pants off, when they first meet Bumblebee, he wearing boxers with some kind of design on them. Later, Sam is bending over the Hoover dam, and he is very noticeably wearing different underwear, yet he has had no time whatsoever to change them. Even if he did, [which he doesn't] why wouldn't he change his clothes also?

Revealing: When Sam is driving Mikaela home, nothing at all is visible outside. The only thing visible outside of the vehicle are bright, white screens. The conditions outside are obviously right for there to be something else visible other than white screens.

Visible crew/equipment: When Sam and his friend head for the party at the lake, as they drive by the lake and the camera cranes up to show the lake, you can blatantly see the shadow of the camera on the crane moving up.

Continuity: In the scene where Sam and his parents are being arrested by the Sector 7 officers, inside the house Sam is wearing a blue Strokes t-shirt over a white long sleeved shirt. When the shot changes and Sam and his parents are being led in hand cuffs to the police cars, a brown sweatshirt is tucked between Sam's left arm and his back due to the handcuffs. In the next shot, Sam is wearing the brown sweatshirt as he says a line of dialogue. The camera cuts to Agent Simmons of Sector 7, then goes back to Sam, who is now wearing the Strokes shirt and the brown sweatshirt is draped over his left shoulder.

Continuity: In the city, after Ironhide flips over the missiles that Devastator shot at him, he can be seen falling very close to the ground, but in the next shot, he is much higher up so that he can then shoot himself back up-right.

Continuity: When Jazz uses his magnetic hand to remove some of the guns from the Sector 7 people, the guns fly into his palm, but in the next shot, his hand is down and there are no guns in his hand or on the ground. He couldn't have put his hand down or throw the guns away that fast between the shots.

Factual error: In the scene where Starsceam gets into a dogfight with the F-22's, look at the end of the wings and you see weapon pylons. F-22's don't carry their weapons on the outside, their weapons are hidden in the fuselage to reduce drag and maximize stealth. Also, throughout the scene the F-22's don't have thrust vectoring nozzles, but the F-22 is the first production fighter with these because they make the plane more manoeuvrable.

Factual error: When the F-22 Raptors attack the transformers on the ground, if you look closely, the missiles are AIM-120 AMRAAMs used strictly for Air-to-Air engagements.

Other: During the last fight, Megatron and Optimus Prime flies through an office building while locked in combat. It is shown that the interior of this building is filled with both people and furniture, but when they crash through the last wall, only building debris fall to the ground with them. No people, furniture, office supplies, papers or any of the things that the building was full of.

Visible crew/equipment: When Sam and his dad pull into the car dealership you can briefly see the camera crew in the reflection of the window.

Revealing: When Bumblebee is caught and then frozen, you can tell that he isn't animated and is rather an enormous prop, because he is a lot cleaner than his animated counter-part.

In the scene where Sam is looking at himself in the mirror, there is a toxic waste/skull and cross bones picture under it, with a white area under that. The camera cuts, Sam does something, then it cuts again to show the mirror; now there is writing in the white area.

via MovieMistakes

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